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I am an enthusiastic sound designer based in Barcelona, with a rich experience of over 10 years in sound design & audio engineering. My goal is to continue working and practicing as professional within the sector, work on projects that can expand my skills and experience of my vocation and passion, the sound. My dedication and constant work have allowed me to work in grade A studios and all kind of projects such as feature films, short films, advertising campaigns, dubbing, radio, apps, video games and musical projects. The last four years I had been working for national and international brands like Netflix, Apple, Nestle, Danone, Cupra, Konami and many more. My attitude in front of new challenges, problems and difficult situations made me an essential member in every team through all my career. As a meticulous and detail based person, I use my problem-solving capacity to make things easier and efficient. Nowadays, I am expanding my horizons working on game sound design, learning middleware software like Wwise, took the 101 and 301 courses, Unreal Engine, Unity and coding languages like JavaScript or C#

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